
For the first twenty two years

I brooded as an angry genius or something 

Here to save the world

Industry of effort my daily bread and every breath 

You all shall see! 

I will bear the cross of the world and one day set you all free! 

If you had told me that 

A time would come 

Where Eliot’s words of Prufcock 

Returning no doubt 

Served a purpose of pleasure

Not even he may have said would come about:

A coffee table mantelpiece 

In an Airbnb 

Then maybe I could have seen! 

That work of mine

To set you all free 

Kept me locked within-a make believe key


Always on the verge of a game 

Don’t overthink it 

Or think it 


The dogs are laughing 


The delivery of jokes smile 


The sisterhood of fun and funny 


A big red strawberry 


Been here before

Been here before

o the score is kept


We beg with applause

For more?

Moving through,

Movement is! 

Excitement lingers

And candles can sing 

What curious behavior 

This-ness brings! 

Feeling here

And here feeling me 

A resemblance of

What has always been 

Where been has been

What always is 


Space in song 

Sings along

One instrument 

One time 

You surround 


All gifts are given

So simple, so true 

Mine from manna

And yours by the moon 

Open them, unwrap 

Follow the tune 

Delight in me

And I shall delight

In you 


Mary Oliver

The Cape Cod kind eh?

O-live O-live, Ma! 

Those long black branches

O-live O-live, Ma! 

No one told you yet? 

The talk of grass as

Conversation with



I don’t quite know 

That space between words 


So, sometimes 

There is an eFfect 

The eyelids become

Somewhat discontent 

Much is seen 

much is unkempt 

Opening opening 

Here we are 

Opening opening 

Come so far 

Knowing me and

Knowing me before

Our narrative’s word


Closing them I feel 

A lightful gentleness 

come to feel 

Otherwise escaping 

That lightness  


One day

The universe

Reached out

Within me

And all that was

Was one and all

Second day

The universe 

Sang to me

And we danced together 

Playing in the stars

Through delighted Falls - it even guffawed! 

Third day

The universe

Appeared as the golden

space pirate Captain Sneeze!

And claimed stake on galaxies

Until I blew out its plated knees!

Fourth day

The universe 

Kissed me

And I felt it strange 

So asked adults

Who told me to stop.

Fifth day 

The universe

Asked to play 

And I turned it away 

Too old, too old for you

I lectured to my ancient friend

Sixth day

The universe 

Walked by 

And didn’t knock

Proud, I have power

I said to myself and my friends 

Seventh day 

The universe 

Didn’t show 

And I forgot it had showed before 


Willingness to be pulled across the form 

We call courage 


What I have seen before

I do not see again 

What I have heard before

I do not hear again

Yes it may come

But it doesn’t appear

Memory not melody 

Still a delight

Though different 


Ode to my friend

I have heard the song of a lifetime! 

And it rockets me from gravity!

I soar and look down… 



Oh wait, that’s my little person

we really are flying oh Lordy… Geeze!

It kicks the shit out of me! 

Oh please oh please go back to sleep for me 

Oh now I rue that playful idea 

That dares sings me free!

Who told you my name? 

I demand your answer for 

this is my property. 

Can’t you see? 

What absurdity! 

Stop your metronome


I conceive You

But Your treble 

conceives me?!

I have known you before 

Haven’t I? Have not I!

Huh. I’ll have to tell my friend

Space between space

Such destiny in stillness…

The song of a lifetime

Knows our names! 

Songs sing! 

Reflecting This 

The origin of all songs 

Mysterious source at hand! 

Glimmering parts 

Of a shining Whole 

Nothing dances! 

What odds! 

Laughter erupts around me 

Then I see myself laughing 

What lightness here 

With the birds 

Thanks for watching me

Now we watch together

The rules are now 


The wind! 


Our bodies’ throes forgotten 

Cumulus clouds explode! 

Timing time 

Dancing dance 

Wondering wonder 

What a silly tune

I told you I heard it! 


Watch me

And I’ll watch you 

Hear me

And I’ll hear you 

Follow me

And I’ll follow you 

Embrace me

And I’ll embrace you 

Love me 

And I am you


Stillness in balance

What irony! 

Normally when you strike oil you feel it hit your face.


Tasteless stick 

hangs in the hot air.

I am addicted to it

and it is addicted to me.

My heart vibrates

against it. I hear it shout. 

And my body bends.

It bends! It exclaims! 

Will I survive? 

Thank God for breath 

says mind.

“Remember to breath,”

says teacher

to mine.

These poses laugh!

Millions of bodies

they’ve worn before.

A strange costume, I am.

Yet I call mine a special kind!

Am I sure I know 

my figure more 

than these poses

who’ve known millions

across time?  

Or how about

these water beads

between my lips?

Has this same water

not kissed millions too?

So this water


can't just be mine.

Returning to 

that vibrating heart,

I remember now.

That tasteless stick

hanging in the hot air.

They call this hot room.


That pliable plop called language 

How dare words contort that which we call reality 

A bee is a bee is a bee

Can it not be? 

From Winter’s thick molasses to

Spring’s thick plot about this honey-bee 

“Thickness” laughs at thee 


The universe changing 

The universe 

Humans no exception 

Vibrating existence

On God’s cello 

And we also get

To describe this!?

Such uncommon existence 

Bringing uncommon power

Needn’t surprise 

Knowing it

Is knowing where

You’re from 

Already home


Narrative o narrative 

Comfort me please 

For my body sends me senses 

And my mind desires your ease 

Who am I without you 

But the forces punching these keys 

Don’t make me look

Narrative o narrative… please! 

Who am I without you

But the nothing between my knees?

Narrative o narrative 

What’s left when you are gone?

Without you there wasn’t 

And now not-ness lingers 

Narrated by dream’s dreams

Narrator, remind me of these 


Reverberating inside

Memory tuned by tuning fork 

Casts it shadow

Says its name is idea 


Those birds the bells 

In harmony 

Separate species, yet 

gentle melody 

Because I have named them 

I don’t hear them

Because I expect them 

I don’t see them 

What’s left I call bird

The tree bells 


Dare I witness thought?

A stream whose source I cannot see 

Dare I speak aloud right here right now? 

Private no longer, yours and me 

Dare I act and roll the dice of destiny? 

We shall see!

Attend these three stages



I am from the vibrations 

That deep grumbling sound raised me 

In an abyss so vast. 

I am perched there. 

Looking back 

So hold my gaze 

But not to console me

And take my trembling hands

But not to calm me 

And reach for my face 

But not to silence me 

I am from the vibrations, remember 

And these grumbling sounds 

Raised me


How does the wind know me? 

My skin says we’ve met before 

While it sweeps nature from the floor 

How does the wind know me? 

But not by name,

whispering in my ears the same 

How does the wind know me? 

The thing that moves the sky

And dares to push on my

How does the wind know me? 

Presenting those curious bird-things 

That gives semblance to wings 

How does the wind know me? 

Wet and dry face kisses 

Even in the presence of my Mrs

How does the wind know me? 

The blinding dot

Lights up this whole place? 

And when it sinks

Beneath the sea 

It whispers to thee 

“see my hundreds”

How can I

Be expected to believe 

That these twinkles

Won’t then blind me? 

A blinding dot

Once fixed in place 

Now gone, 

Reveals children

Lightness has come

As a much larger effect 

When darkness sets in

If we pay attention 

Pemmy, somehow 

Proof that truth

can confer love, wisdom, and play 

Without a word. 

moving a human mind

To generate these 

truth is that proof

Isn’t everything

Silly doggy

Beings are here and there

Listen now and you will hear them. 

And most…

Appear not human. 

Our planet teems with life

Yet I call it ours? 

To imagine another

Is hardly an imagination 

For in a world so large

Supposedly cradled by

an eternal blackness

Polka-dotted with light 

It all has been imagined

And doesn’t know the human before 

So imagine more!

And be

Alongside all

Stepping back!

What a joke!

The insights come

From a stable mind

But a stream requires

The mind to attend to it

And unsettles it all the while 

For streams run over

Rocks of random 

And usually nice


How easy to be fooled

By that who calls himself artist 

For the work of song 

Or painting 

Is no less obvious a result 

Of “artist” than flute or brush 

Can ‘art’ say in earnest 

That flute and brush 

Don’t know their form?

Inanimate objects 

Startled by an animator 

Don’t know their own startling? 

For perhaps animator 

Of these “inanimate”

Is itself animated 

By All That Is


Thoughts enter my mind

How could these be mine? 

I don’t remember setting up their stream 

But here I listen 

More than listen! Here I act

On their behalf 

Whose lobbed fruit 

Are you? 


I can 

Observe this


Changing hands 

Which are mine? 

My desire crushes me 

Who does this serve? 

Who asks to be seen? 

And holds will over heart 

Me, I cry! 

Who else can hear? 

Me, I cry!

When all seems to pass

And fear pulls in your cheeks 

Say to it:

Hello fear, how do you know these cheeks so well? 

The force of fear feels ancient 

And timeless- not me 

But mine 

Feeling pain

Is strange 

My nails are bleeding 

I now notice 

The path here wasn’t obvious 

Engulfed in mind

My sights became less clear 

And heaviness sat atop me 

My shoulders and chest pulling 

Pointing to my hands writing 

I wonder

Could it be because I bite me? 

The space between bodily pain 

And mental anxiety 

Is the space given

To the heaviness atop me 

For if I cease

To bite my nails 

Then maybe a gentle

Mental clarity 

Depth or breadth 

Must we choose? 

In two dimensions, yes

Can a mind perceive more? 

Perhaps some. Or perhaps all. 

With patience.

And curiosity, a thing

Questioning both things

And the nature of things 

Usually during this time

A person is a closed container 

We think we are the lid. 

Forgetting what it may contain 

is everything 

what an interesting container 

Its green tongues

Licking out from under

Sidewalk squares that 

sit atop its back and leg. 

It doesn’t know order. 

And with time, its little sister,

creeping out from under,

sidewalk squares gone askew,

it smiles from asunder

to whisper

“There is no difference between us 

in this perennial rejoinder”

My attention is pulled 

Like putty; 

what could that mean? 

Attention is the funny thing 

Determining my every-thing 

Here it is now, with me 

So we will watch thee 

And learn 


You uncharacteristic stranger 

And characteristic mother 

What is it 

about quality

That lurking thing 


Do we know it 

When shivers go

down our spine?

Or do we know it

By a fluttering heart

Within romantic embrace?

Or do we know it

Right now?

And all words and ideas

A mere finger

Pointing to its moon

How interesting to ask

What is it 

about quality 

That lurking thing 


Cars driving by

Slicing leaves 

How could I forget

You have told 

Me always that 

I’m a moment from 


My crunchy leaves 

Cars closing doors

My ears know you exactly 

One punch of air

Out of nowhere 

Followed by the engine 

Experience is that funny thing 

We all share 

Yet forget it faster than death 

(The other promise)

Can that which experiences 

Contemplate that which does not? 

Surely comprehension rests on 


Which might not be real

So let’s laugh 

And listen!

My body moves 

Before I do 

So why all the business of I 

If it lags behind real behavior? 

I notice what I does

After I do it 

Who does this scare? 

I suppose the same thing 

What if there is another thing

Supposing I? 

What could be more scary?

I wonder 

The ticking sound

A kitchen timer! 

Focaccia in the oven

Focaccia: do you know your master? 

Not the hands who kneeded you

The master of those

Is not the human behind them

But this ticking sound 

Pulling time into it


Oily, browned, divine 


Will surely result 

Individual parts

Coming together 

Creates a new whole 

Just marvelous 

Do these parts know 

Their own participation? 

I wonder 

Of what whole am I a part? 

And of what possible majesty is it? 

Certainly I don’t seem a part 

For I experience the whole of the other 

Yet perhaps

Whole is holy as they say 

Imbued with mysticism 

That my part will never know 


Concentric circles 

I love you so 

Your form surpasses mine

And from here I look to you 

And wonder

What do you point to?


What business do you have affecting deliciousness?!

Who told me about the spot of time 

And how to spot one 

Cinderblocks peel away 

And come back together when I’m afraid 

A structure is here

That has known itself almost forever 

Awareness of mind

Reveals this blocky nature

Or the blocky nature, when seen 

Reveals awareness of mind 

(That distinction could be mine)

Always there, but hidden!

About to be fearful, 

I summon their assembly instructions 

And quickly put them back together 

Shortness and sweetness

Have you known one another forever? 

Sometimes I have met you apart

And forgot that you love spending time together 

What is it about a nose exhale 

That carries so much information 

Relief some say 

But I still question 

I push air through my nose 

And listen 

Sinking in to where I am 

Relief, I no longer question 

Thank god for the banging sound

For I would forgot time without you 

Each smack of this hammer

Tells me another painful moment 

Thank god for the banging sound 

The thing my landlord does 

Home is the thing with the banging sound 

Smacking its hammer with this reminder 

Thank god for the banging sound 

It reminds me of my body 

What is a poem 

A joke I guess 

Sometimes they aren’t funny 

Or the thing about the thing with feathers?

Maybe some words that tickle like one up close

Truth laughing 

With an invite 

Blessings beside me 

My dog can bow! 

(With fish on her breath)

My wife and sister pet her

Jumping to their shoulders

She smiles 

The tail gives away her secrets 

And her lack of language complicates

A happy creature clearly 

Blessings beside me 

Practice makes perfect they say

But practicing moves the ledge of perfect, which I thought would stay

So practicing something changes form

But that’s not obvious to the forlorn 

Repetition of behavior works its might

On some all the way through the night 

A simple poem such as this piece

Rhyming twice, like someone’s young niece 

Simple form can become quite deep

When repetition works its will, isn’t that neat 

Practice makes perfect they say

Really, perfect makes practice 


What is it about a goal

That pulls my head to toe 

A place where I am not today 

But want to arrive and made ok 

A mountaintop I can see

Yet when I start to climb thee 

There was no mountain there at all 

For my personhood endured the fall 

So at the bottom of this mountain now dreamed

I look around and see what I could not before 

A mountain is no different from me 

I am a person with a goal 

That thing that pulls my head to toe 

What comes through me

I call I

But it can’t be mine

So whose hand holds me?

There is some space inside 

I see my hands in front

And not behind 

Could it be time?

No, that feels silly

For we’ve heard its tick gone by 

Push and pull

It must know me 

But it can’t be mine

So whose hand holds me?

What comes through me

I call I 

The thing with feathers

Certainly isn’t me

The thing called me exists

Or doesn’t exist 

But still without a feather 

The soul is too large to be perched upon 

For it lives eternally 

Where large is yet too small 

But love

Love is eternal 

So join me and forget

The thing called hope 

And love, smilingly 

What is it 

About a wave 

A note is played

On nature’s breast 

Or could it be Her breath? 

She laughs! 

Cannot be intervened upon

Or changed by human mind 

What is it

About a wave 

A prism does with light

What a poem does with words 

A morning glow 

The ball of fire exploding in the sky 

All objects are made clear by it 

And it is an object too 

My inner nature also glows

Maybe it, too, explodes 

The light inside and

The light outside 

Do they share more than a name? 

A gaze holds mine 

This thing has a face

And breathes

Like me 

I wonder who sent you

I say 

Where did you come from?

I ask 

This thing appears to wonder the same

About me 

But won’t answer my questions

Immediately, yet 

Nor I, its


It looks like an ancient being 

Are you my guardian angel?



Pay attention now 

Before each thought there is a bow

In body, in back, in chest

A ripple takes leave from rest 

And bang! 

Now I am the person thinking 

Writing them down! 

This way and that way 

And this is that

And this is not that 

Thinking about the ripple 

That was in my chest 

So can attention be paid 

Right before?


Puts the horn in my chest

I understand dancing now 

Says my chest 

My attention called to all that is not this note 

So what does this note have for me

My chest may know

The note suggests everything that is now 

And everything that is not now 

So why do I depend on the next note?

And why does my chest already know it?

An interesting difference, to be sure

Over time, or over notes, revealing time

We call that dancing

Says my chest 

What am I supposed to do?

We are alive. If you read these words, it applies. 

Supposed is funny for the blind. 

I am is funny for the alive.

Doing is for those who are. 

Who are? Who is? 

You are. We are. 

Question not the word. 

Question the nature of all words.

Can we question without words?

Can we question without doing questioning?

Pointing to the doer words do. 

So of course do these. 

Make believe. Make pretend. 

Do no making, and then don’t do that. 

Ad infinitum. 

So, laugh.

Supposed to question. 

Supposed to believe. 

Supposed to do. 

Supposed to be.

The difference in these words?

Who’s asking?

You are. I am.
